Friday, March 15, 2013

Revised Action Plan

After following the 8 steps from our text I made a few minor changes to my action research plan. It wasn't really too much, but I did decide to also include groups of students in my data gathering steps. I hadn't really considered it before I started making revisions, but it soon became clear that I really needed to include student input since my research is all about improving school culture and they are of course a huge component of that. I simply included a step in which I will ask teachers to disseminate a brief survey to a few 7th and 8th grade classes asking for the input about our back to school program. I think it should provide me with some insights into what they think would be better ways to strengthen our culture. I realize that not all of their suggestions will be feasible (I can only imagine the responses I'll get if I'm not specific with my questions!).

Action Step
Person(s) Responsible
Timeline: Start/End
Resources Needed
1. Survey staff about previous years Wrangler Ropes: benefits & drawbacks
Myself, Assistant Principals, Staff
March to April 2013
Access to Survey Monkey account; previous years teacher feedback forms
Completed surveys from at least 75% of teaching staff
2. Analyze teacher & student feedback
Wrangler Ropes Committee, Principal, 7th & 8th grade students
April 2013
Survey results; previous years teacher feedback
Categorize and analyze responses
3. Modify the current Wrangler Ropes program
Wrangler Ropes Committee, Principal
April to May 2013
Current Wrangler Ropes program guidelines
Form consensus about modifications
4. Create new Wrangler Ropes program binder
Wrangler Ropes Committee, Principal
April to May 2013
Word processors, copy machine
Produce a hardcopy of the finalized program
5. Discuss and disseminate the new Wrangler Ropes program to staff
Wrangler Ropes Committee, Principal
August 2013
Conference room, Wrangler Ropes binders, presentation software
Teacher feedback
6. Analyze  Wrangler Ropes program
Myself, Assistant Principals, Staff
August to September 2013
Access to Survey Monkey account
Completed surveys from at least 75% of teaching staff


  1. Ryan, I think facilitating student surveys could provide you with some helpful and important data. Since I began developing my project (should students grade their teachers?)I have been reading a lot of information on how administrators, who are actively trying to improve their,should give a greater consideration to their students observations and suggestions.

  2. Your plan is very interesting. What is the Wrangler Ropes Program?
