Monday, March 11, 2013

Research Plan Draft

GoalTo strengthen the school culture at the beginning of the next school year by modifying the Wrangler Ropes program.

Action Step
Person(s) Responsible
Timeline: Start/End
Resources Needed
1. Survey staff about previous years Wrangler Ropes: benefits & drawbacks
Myself, Assistant Principals, Staff
March to April 2013
Access to Survey Monkey account; previous years teacher feedback forms
Completed surveys from at least 75% of teaching staff
2. Analyze teacher feedback
Wrangler Ropes Committee, Principal
April 2013
Survey results; previous years teacher feedback
Categorize responses
3. Modify the current Wrangler Ropes program
Wrangler Ropes Committee, Principal
April to May 2013
Current Wrangler Ropes program guidelines
Form consensus about modifications
4. Create new Wrangler Ropes program binder
Wrangler Ropes Committee, Principal
April to May 2013
Word processors, copy machine
Produce a hardcopy of the finalized program
5. Discuss and disseminate the new Wrangler Ropes program to staff
Wrangler Ropes Committee, Principal
August 2013
Conference room, Wrangler Ropes binders, presentation software
Teacher feedback
6. Analyze  Wrangler Ropes program
Myself, Assistant Principals, Staff
August to September 2013
Access to Survey Monkey account
Completed surveys from at least 75% of teaching staff


  1. Ryan, campus culture is a topic of extreme importance because it impacts everything that takes place in your school. I think you have chosen an excellent topic for school improvement. Is your school an elementray, middle or high school campus? Is the Wrangler Ropes program based on the 6 character pillars or something else? I look forward to following your blog/progress. Please view/comment on my blog at

  2. Ryan, Thank you for commenting on my blog post! I also believe that campus/school culture is a big part of a school. It sets the tone for everyone who steps foot on your school campus. Parents, students and staff want to have a good experience when they are at school and I feel that it all starts with the culture. I look forward to following your blog and learning more about your research and Wrangler Ropes.

  3. The school's culture affects every single person in the school, from parents to students to teachers and staff. I think it's great and proactive of you to start the ball rolling this year. How refreshing to start the school year with a new outlook. Is Wrangler Ropes a program you already have in place that correlates with behavior?

  4. School culture is a huge part of every school system. I think that your "Wrangler Ropes" program will be great. School culture also sets the stage for parent/community involvement. I am looking forward to seeing what you discover. Good luck!

  5. School culture is very important and it is a big contributor to student motivation. I like the idea that you are looking for ways to improve. I look forward to following your findings.

  6. Ryan, when you first said about "wrangler ropes" all I can think of is the brand jeans and ropes of course. lol.

    I am still new in the American education so going through every blogs of our classmates helped me a lot and it is giving me new information. I love it. Anyways, about School culture, it is the set of norms, values and beliefs, that make up the 'persona' of the school. I am eager to follow your blog and I bookmarked it so I have it in my computer.

  7. I agree Ryan, school culture is very important for the entire school body. Finding ways to strengthen your school in that area is awesome. I look forward to following your research.

  8. Beginning the year in the right direction is so important. This can make or break the year for all stakeholders. This topic made me think about Harry Wong's book, "First Days of School". What exactly does the Wrangler Ropes program provide? This might be something I can implement at my campus.

  9. It all starts at the beginning of the year! Campus culture is very important. When you first discussed your plan, I mentioned it to my co-worker and my site supervisor. This is something that would make a difference at my school as we have struggled this year due to a lack of leadership and clear expectations. I am looking forward to following your progress!

  10. Hi Ryan,

    I am sure that I am echoing everyone else, however school culture is a great topic to investigate. Anything that can boost student involvement and morale is always a huge plus. the wrangler ropes program sounds fun. I would love to hear more background about how it started and what it entails. I will for sure follow your blog to see your results.
