Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Distilling Ideas

The biggest thing I got out of week two was the ability to narrow down my potential research topics to just one that all of my administrators agreed to.

I met with all three of my administrators yesterday to discuss possible ideas for my research project (I still can't decide exactly what to call the process since it's given so many names in our texts!) and we narrowed it down to one topic. I was hoping that they would be agreeable to me modifying our school's demerit system which is used to track problem behaviors. However, they informed me just how much time and effort went into creating and implementing the system...it's a lot! So that ideas was shot down.

The good news is that the other topic that I most wanted to do did get everyone's approval. I'll be heading up a committee that will look at how we can improve school culture through our back to school program we do during the first week of the school year. So I'll begin to work on gathering some data (mostly for my campus, not so much these classes at this point) that I can bring to my committee meetings.


  1. What exactly does your school do as far as a demerit system in regards to behavior? In regards to the back to school program and committee chairman congratulations!!! I am also interested in what does your current back to school program include and for what campus level or is this for all campuses? Just trying to get a sense for what your task maybe so that I might offer some meaningful suggestions or comments

  2. Our demerit system is used by core teachers only. Basically anytime a kid misbehaves either they or their teacher will fill out a demerit to track what happened. The demerit is then given to the student's "home room" teacher (their 4th period teacher) who tracks them. Once the student receives a certain number of demerits they start to receive consequences: detention, team meeting, parent conference, ISS, etc.

    Our back to school program is traditionally the first 4 days back and is only on our campus. It's a tool the campus uses to strengthen school culture (team-building events, assemblies, games), review school policies, review teacher's classroom rules, and complete some get to know you activities. This year I'm tasked with heading the committee to make sure everything is in place. We might be changing some things up, for example we might shorten the program to 2-3 days. We're also looking at different types of activities to do since this past year we had a lot of kids who weren't into it at all.

  3. That is great that you will be the chair person for back to school program.Is it kind of like back to school night or is it something completely different? Does your back to school night include your school parents? Do these events happen during the school day? Sorry for all the questions, it seems like a great idea just want to know more about it.

  4. No problem, ask away!

    Traditionally the program has been the first 4 days of school. Depending on which grade and class students are in they will review campus policies, be given various forms for their parents to sign, participate in team building activities, etc. It's also a way to introduce incoming 6th graders to the campus. The days are non-academic and instead focus on trying to strengthen school culture.

  5. Great job on the committee! The back to school program you are mentioning sounds great. I think that team building activities is a great way to set the tone for the new school year. Looking forward to reading more on your back to school program activities.

  6. Getting to head up a committee will be a great start in leadership experience. I think that the back to school program, even though not your first choice, will be a great research plan topic. I will be interested to see the results of your research.

  7. Improving your school's culture is a great idea! It's truly an initiative that everyone can benefit from. Through our readings I remember it mentioned one can almost taste the school's climate, through overheard conversations and displayed student work. The school's culture and climate tells where the foundations, such as whether trust has been established on a campus. Your community will thank you.
