Thursday, March 21, 2013

Moving On

I had my first committee meeting for my action research project this past Tuesday. I was a bit nervous since this was my first time leading a committee, but it went great. I acted more as a facilitator and allowed the other teachers involved to share their opinions and really get the ball rolling. We actually made quite a lot of headway and were able to focus down on some issues we'll be looking at for our next meeting. I have also already started to do some data collection. The person who headed the committee last year gave me a big stack of teacher feedback forms. I've gone through them and synthesized the various responses. It was a great way to get a very clear picture about what changes people really wanted to see for the next iteration of our back to school program. I was also able to delegate a few tasks out to other committee members which I had been a bit reluctant to do. I knew going into all of this that I would need to let go of the reins a bit and delegate tasks to other people. Surprisingly a lot of the other teachers really wanted to help out and this allowed me to focus on other tasks and will also help tremendously with them taking ownership of our task.

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